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PAK WEB XONE well reputed software house in Pakistan Present free encyclopedia about Pakistan with domain name http://www.merapakistan.com.pk/ . Which is completely PHP CMS base site developed in PHP MYSQL Server side technology, HTML, CSS, Java Scripting Language, Light box technology and others technologies.
Services Mera Pakistan
http://www.merapakistan.com.pk or http://www.aboutmerapakistan.blogspot.com provide services free information about Pakistan and our main services to provide encyclopedia, education, software’s, e-books, free Games and alots of contents available for user to access and download their require products like mobile zone contain latest ring tones wallpapers and many other things related to mobile. Urdu poetry, Urdu Gazals, Pakistani wallpapers, Islamic section, Fun section, audio, videos and user login system, online shopping facilities also available for user.
All of these services provided by meraPakistan.com.pk is the result of hard working and intelligent team of Pak Web Xone.
We hope you enjoy and get good response from the website and our company.
Mera Pakistan free encyclopedia contains numbers of pages with there different function and links like Educations ,e-books ,Software’s, games ,thousands of informative topics of Pakistan and having also Islamic section, Kids section ,Fun section, Urdu Gazals, Urdu Poetry, Urdu SMS ,thousands of sms on other Categories like birth day sms ,wedding sms etc. also containing numbers of cards like Eid, wedding ,birth day etc .
Light box technology gives you help in viewing of different category of Pakistani wallpapers. http://www.aboutmerapakistan.blogspot.com/ gives you opportunity for the users to create account and having also a facility for online Shopping Cart.
http://www.aboutmerapakistan.blogspot.com/ provides discussion Board and frequently asks Questions (FAQs) pages and also has Contact Us Form for directly message to webmaster.
All the polices of http://www.aboutmerapakistan.blogspot.com/ . Are define in terms and Polices , which have the reserved rights of both Pak Web Xone and http://www.aboutmerapakistan.blogspot.com/ .for further detailed Contact us .
Muhammad Kumail
Muhammad Raza Lilani
Muhammad Raza Lilani